
Thursday, 2 January 2014

Warnings of woeful withdrawals

More cuts are to come all round the country.

In the West, the Bath Chronicle reports of more communities to be cut off in Wiltshire, Dorset and Gloucestershire. The Chron then ruins its doom-ridden story by mentioning the closure of Salisbury bus station as though that were somehow down to the council cuts. It isn't. The bus station is owned by Go Ahead and they are selling it. Buses will run from on-street stops, just as they do a ride on the X7 away in Southampton and you know what? Sotonians cope, so I'm sure that residents and vistors to Salisbury will survive too.

Talking of Southampton, there's a bit of fuss about a route that is being cut there this weekend. First route 10 is the only link between Southampton General Hospital and Totton, just outside the city and near to the edge of the New Forest. That route has been served since at least 1988 but runs for the last time tomorrow, Friday 3rd January 2014. The Southern Daily Echo reports on residents' worries and a very slim chance that Totton Town Council could help fund a replacement. Southampton City Council are understandably reluctant to fund a service that benefits residents outside the city. No-one's cut off by the cutting of the 10 though. You can still get between Totton and the General by bus. You just need to change buses at Southampton Central Station. You do now need to use two bus companies, so it will cost you more if you are of fare-paying age. Many people are averse to changing buses though, so it does mean that employees at the General are now less likely to move to Totton (possibly affecting house prices) and people in Totton are less likely to visit the shops in Shirley. The economic effects will affect more than just those that used the 10 themselves.

More doom from Lancashire, where people waiting for a replacement bus service following the collapse of Classic Bus North West have been told it might not happen. The Blackpool Gazette quotes John Fillis, head of Highways and Transport at Lancashire County Council, as saying that there is no money to support what he refers to as "failed bus services". Presumably he thinks that the communities now isolated have "failed" too and need to be punished for the fact that Classic Bus North West is no longer in business. Maybe Lancashire isn't "Where Everyone Matters", as the sign at Chorley Interchange exclaims, after all.


  1. It seems in many areas of the country bus services are becoming a complete mess,lack of passengers,lack of money to provide services. I see another Beeching type of axe looming.

  2. What I haven't seen quoted about the closure of Salisbury Bus Station is whether there will still be an enquiry office anywhere?
    The Tourist Information Centre hide most of the timetables behind a desk and you have to know exactly which one or two you want (beg). Don't expect to be given a set - that's highly classified information!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I agree with the earlier comment about Beeching style cuts - a perfect storm is brewing. It may not hit this year but the Government keep saying that we must expect even more cuts after 2015.

    1. To get that information they will probably require you to sign the official secrets act first

  3. Outside of London & the major cities and towns there is already nothing more than a skeleton bus services and even that is in danger of disappearing. Service have been cut back so much they are of no use to most people. What little infrastructure there is disappears so bus stations are rare and those that are left are a disgrace.

    Unless proper services are provided then people will go by car simply because there is no viable alternative

    Management & innovation in the bus industry is very poor. It is more about managing decline and lowering standards. I don't see things changing. We are close to loosing most bus services in many areas

  4. Not to local but it appears that Arriva are departing from Malta whether of their own accord or booted out is not clear. The operations seems not to have been a success from the start. The ex London artics have been off the road for several months following constant problems with them catching fire so it looks as if the problems that occurred in London with them were never really solved

  5. Indeed, in Rural Dorset, a second 'Beeching' axe will fall in successive years. First, it's the Saturday services they are taking off.

    Still, how nice of Salisbury to lose its bus station to pay for the Poole based 'more' operations.


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