
Monday, 8 December 2014

Go Ahead buys part of Western Greyhound

The Plymouth Herald reports that the Liskeard depot and associated routes of Western Greyhound have been purchased by Go Ahead's Plymouth Citybus and will be rebranded as Go Cornwall Bus.

It remains to be seen what will happen to the rest of Western Greyhound.

Our Council Check series is taking a break for a couple of weeks. In the meantime you can catch up with the scores so far and read all previous reviews here.


  1. According to the Cornish Guardian the remainder of the company has been sold - to I think the same person who purchased Black Velvet?

  2. Indeed you're right. Plymothian Transit has the story:

  3. Strange goings on with Arriva who have cancelled the registrations of the services in Colchester & Harlow & Stansted (Currently under TGM subsidiary) and have re registered some with Kent & Thameside maybe more to be re registered. I suspect most if not all the Stansted service will be axed or retendered as they have closed their Stansted base


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